SAP BW/4HANA Transformation

Agile project methods have emerged from realizing that complex projects' goals are mostly formulated vaguely at the beginning. Often, goal setting is a process; it only becomes more concrete as the project progresses. To nevertheless comply with time and budget restrictions, a project consists of controllable iterative phases, each of which passes through all typical project phases.  

BIPortal's agile methodology
BIPortal's agile methodology

You could convert all your SAP BW objects into supported SAP BW/4HANA objects as stated in the simplification list for SAP BW/4HANA 2.0. However, the real benefit of SAP BW/4HANA comes from rethinking and redesigning an existing architecture. Often persistence layers don't make sense anymore in an in-memory environment. As they consume ETL time and space, they should be skipped in favor of virtual data models whenever possible. A virtual propagation layer allows for instant access to your latest data.



Virtual analytics layers have been known for a while using CompositeProviders. Whenever a department requires a specific data mart, SAP HANA views, Open ODS views, and CompositeProviders can instantaneously deliver them without any data load or remodeling. Redesigning your BI architecture for SAP BW/4HANA needs some blueprinting. Many parties are involved in this process such that you can meet all your company's requirements. Often this results in piles of Excel and Powerpoint files. The more objects and people are involved, the more difficult it gets to overview what's going on in reengineering tasks and building a new BI solution. We, therefore, use an auxiliary tool as a complement to SAP's conversion cockpit.

BIPortal's way of adapting and securing your SAP BW/4HANA metadata
Reengineered version of your metadata


Contact us for an assessment of your system's status and the design of your future analytics landscape.